Embrace His Grace

This is an Evangelical, Christian Blog that will bless you with Scripture, God's Holy Word, and inspirational words that will empower you to advance the Kingdom of God and exalt His Name! Hallelujah!

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Location: Fayetteville, North Carolina, United States

A Bond-Servant of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth! A Born-Again, Spirit-Filled, Tongue-Talking Believer in the Word of God, proclaiming the Glory of The Lord Jesus Christ and advancing His Kingdom! Hallelujah!

Friday, April 28, 2006

The inerrant, living Word of God declares that we should seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and then, all the rest of the stuff we need will be added or given to us. Sounds pretty straightforward to me. Like most of the Bible: God provides a blessing based on obedience to His Word. Hence, obedience is better than sacrifice. Indeed it would be better to walk in obedience to God's Word all week long than to come to church for a couple of hours on Sunday thusly attempting to sacrifice to God.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praise God! Thankfully there are Christian websites like EmbraceHisGrace.com and even Blogs like this that are taking back the Internet even cyberspace from the enemy! Let the light, love and glory of God reign and rule on the Internet! Hallelujah!

Saturday, 29 April, 2006  
Blogger Rick said...

Well, as The Holy Bible declares, a day with the Lord is as a thousand years...so here I am writing a reply to this inspiring "Comment" some 3 years later; indeed strangely enough, almost 3 years exactly as this is April 18, 2009. Nevertheless, I thank you "Anonymous" for this most welcome, inspiring comment on my website and blog. May God bless, protect and prosper you as you walk with Him in righteousness, obedience and faith believing! Amen.

Saturday, 18 April, 2009  

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